Monday, April 27, 2009

Updates and a Review

The web site is once again ad-free, but has a new address. You can find it here:

My official website

The major editing of Legacy of the Ghost has been completed. The editors and I are making one final read-through to pick up anything that we may have missed. I've also started working on the formatting of the book. This one will be published at Creat Space.

Having finished reading W.I. Investigations, Vol. 1-4, by Samaya Young, I wrote a review for Amazon and Goodreads. I'm posting it here for those that don't see it there:

I thouroughly enjoyed reading W.I. Investigations. Samaya has a gift for capturing the reader and, once captured, holding them until the conclusion of the case. Vol. 1-4 includes four seperate cases with separate teams that are both interesting and unique. I found this heightened my pleasure of the book as it made it quite easy to avoid boredom as each team handled their case in their own fashion. Samaya did a great job of making each team quite different from the others.

Of the four cases, "Hero" is my favorite, followed by "Shape Shifter," though Willow and Vin were my favorite team. All for cases are original and well told.

The only things I found that distracted me were: a. All the characters inevitably have looks that could only be found in fashion magazines, with the exception of one, Wally; b. I would have liked a couple of them to have been longer with more detail; and c. Knowing that the calvary arrived in time to save Ashley and Elyse from the very beginning of the story took some of the pleasure out of reading it. Choosing a different scene for the introductory 'insert', maybe the flight to hide in the canyon, would have increased the suspence and made the story far more enjoyable.

Overall, I believe the positives of captivating tales and interesting and varied characters far outweighs the negatives. I fully recommend this book.

The next book on my list to read is Bitter Moon II - Triane's Son Reigning, by Amy Lane. I really enjoyed the first in the set and look forward to delving into this edition! More later as things develop.


  1. Awesome review. Exactly what I would like to see for any of the stories I've written! However, I have yet to be thoroughly satisfied with the way I teach review writing. Do you know of any good sites that might lend a hand with this dilemma? Thanks =] I could probably use a brush up for myself as well.

  2. Tanner said...
    "In answer to your review question, the best I've seen is on the Secramore blog. It's linked from my blog. They wrote a three or four part (can't remember exactly) thingie on how to write reviews. It's really good and should be easy to find once you get there. They are titled Writing a Good Review Part 1,2,3... or something close to that.

    Good luck with your love life, or is that love of your life...can't remember.


    Will definitely check out "The Blog of Secramore", thanks =]

    Oh, and it is love "of" my life ;P "Love life" gets to be too complicated and unfulfilling :D
    I need to hurry up with grades so I can spent some quality time practicing Moonlight.

    By the by, did you ever check out that link I put on your forum about Liberace's candelabra inspiration?

  3. Hi Tanner,
    Excellent idea to post your reviews over here too. Hadn't thought of that yet. I'll have to do that over at mine as well. :-)
