Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

Here's hoping you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Domain problems update

The web-site is accessable again. This is a temporary fix but should last long enough for me to make it permanent.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Domain problems

My web-site is experiencing some domain name problems at the moment. It is still available at: I will post here when the problems are resolved.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ky's family tree...

Ky's parents are Maker, the supreme diety of the four universes, and The Lady, the surpeme goddess of the universe the story takes place in. Ky has one older brother, Simon. Due to the time Simon spent in The Garden, Ky passed him in age.

After Ky's exile from the Eldar elves, he encountered a ghost family. The daughter, Illya, and Ky conceived a child which Illya named Little Ky. This conception resulted from a mixing of several magicks. Shortly after Little Ky's inheritance, the child was attacked and ripped to shreds. Ky spent most of his pre-Lord of Chaos life trying to find a way to bring Little Ky back to life. This path led him and his friends to replace the former gods of their planet. Unfortunately, the memories of their former lives were stripped from them when they became gods.

In the process of destroying the former gods, Ky killed the twin of Laena. Laena sought revenge and traveled the pathways of the gods in search of Ky. She ended up in Chaos with no memory of her purpose. Ky found her and decided to help her spirit become complete by magically giving her a daughter. This was done with the aid of Archos.

The result of this conception was the intended daughter, Eleana and two brothers, Tal and Ky II. Ky, being locked in childhood by his exile, left the raising of the triplets to Laena and the other members of The Nine. Shadow of the Ghost tells the story of how Ky and his friends regain their memories and the struggle with Karn-Rachk'sha as a result.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Origins of Ky and his friends.

Many years ago, two friends and myself gathered around my small kitchen table and began rolling up characters for a game that looked interesting: Dungeons and Dragons. We had the basic rules, a few dice and a bit of imagination. One of my friends, the DM had a module he planned on taking us through.

The only character to survive those first forays into the game is Ky, although he went through several transformations over the years. The poor little elf had rotten luck with the dice. None of his stats were above 12. His starting money barely was enough to buy him a cheap sword, some rations and a water skin. I remember thinking he will probably be replaced as I got better at the game.

The kitchen table faded and we found ourselves in a small rural community looking for fame, fortune and a dragon to slay. What we found was a long-abandoned mansion standing amidst a graveyard. We were hired to deal with some strange occurances happening around the mansion.

Ky's luck kicked in as we progressed through the adventure. He was very good at sneaking around and scouting and would sometimes find himself in place to attack the viscious skeletons and zombies from behind.

Originally, we sought our adventures on a monthly basis. As time passed, we were playing weekly and sometimes several times a week. Over the years, I've started many stories about Ky and his friends, like Symplex, Archos, Taelann and Daelann. This year I finally completed one of them. Shadow of the Ghost is the result.

I am currently working on the sequel (book 2 of 3).